Optimalisasi Kognitif Lansia dengan Demensia di Pstw Banyuwangi Melalui Terapi Buma


  • Eky Madyaning Nastiti Nastiti Universitas dr. Soebandi


Elderly, Cognitive, Gymnastics, Brain, Music


Elderly experience various changes in body function, including cognitive function, especially in elderly with dementia. Several elderly men at PSTW Banyuwangi showed signs of symptoms that led to decreased memory abilities, which affected their ability to interact with other elderly people. Therefore, efforts need to be made to combine brain exercise and music therapy, hereinafter called Terapi Buma (Brain Gym and Goyang Dumang Combination Therapy). The aim of this activity is to carry out empowerment efforts aimed at preventing the decline in cognitive abilities in the elderly. The method used is in the form of a preparatory stage, including preparing the Buma Therapy Standart Operation Procedure (SOP), and then data collection is carried out using the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) questionnaire. This program is carried out for 1 week, 2 times with a duration of 15 minutes each, by providing brain exercise and physical activity by following the music of the Goyang Dumang song. This activity involved 11 elderly men at the Minak Jinggo guest house, UPT Tresna Werdha Banyuwangi Social Home. Results and Discussion Data show that the combination of goyang dumang music and brain gyms has an effect on improving the average cognitive score of elderly people with dementia. This brain exercise, combined with rocking dumang music therapy, can improve cognitive function in elderly people with dementia. Listening to energetic music can increase the listener's spirits. Through this community service activity, it is hoped that it can become a routine activity to be implemented for elderly people with dementia at PSTW Banyuwangi.


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How to Cite

Nastiti, E. M. N. (2024). Optimalisasi Kognitif Lansia dengan Demensia di Pstw Banyuwangi Melalui Terapi Buma. Sadewa : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(02), 88–92. Retrieved from https://sadewa.uds.ac.id/jsadewa/article/view/4